Altair FluxMotor 2019.1.1 HotFix | 996.8 mb
Altair announces the release of FluxMotor 2019.1.1, a dedicated platform focusing on the pre-design of electric rotating machines. Apart from fixes in the detected issues, this version also hosts noteworthy enhancements and implementations.
Altair FluxMotor 2019.1.1 Release Notes - Date: 14 May 2020 Altair FluxMotor 2019.1.1 is available with corrections and improvements. It can be applied as an update to an existing installation of FluxMotor 2019.1. Fixed issues of FluxMotor 2019.1.1 Induction machines with skewed topologies - Motor Factory - Test Environment - Very often, the results of computations may be wrong when a skewed topology is considered for the squirrel cage or for the slot (ref.: FXM-12398). The visible signs of this problem were mainly the following ones: . Anomalies on the shape of the generated curves versus slip (or speed) like torque-slip curve for instance . The results got with the test "Working point / Sine Wave / U, f, N" are not consistent with those got with the test "Performance mapping / Sine Wave/ T(Slip)" Induction machines - Motor Factory - Design and Test Environment - End-ring impedance computations using the user mode fails (ref.: FXM-12399). - The rounding value for the slip is not well considered. For instance, a slip equal to 2.33333 % cannot be considered. The nearest possible value is 2.334 %. This leads to a crash when the tests are run. (ref.: FXM-12368). - CS and OCS temperature are not considered for computing end-ring inter-bar resistance in the DESIGN environment. The temperature of bars is considered instead (ref.: FXM-12451).[/center]
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